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The VS sections: a richer experience

VS Worldwide is based above all in a VS Market where all the booths are allocated, but also in 5 sections that make people stay more time at the site and enter more days.

The attached graphic shows what happened with the buyers in LA Virtual Screenings, the last VS experience (May 2021) that had quite the same format: though the VS market had more screenings than in 2020, the sections caught almost 50% of visited pages.

The most successful section, after the VS Market, was VS Next, with panels and testimonials. This fall at VS Worldwide, it promises to be the same, because the program includes unique conferences including the big OTTs, broadcasters of the Americas, Europe and Asia.

Then the buyers chose VS Billboard, the section that grew more comparing the percenst from VS Autumn, in September 2020. It has the recommend products of the market, that change every day. Fourth, VS Figures, which includes the rankings of the top contents of the market, to use a guide for more productive screenings.

We also have VS News, with the daily newsletters of the event which are a strong news generator every day, plus the direct access to PRENSARIOZONE, the 2.0 publication that replaces the traditional publications of PRENSARIO INTERNATIONAL.

Sometimes less visits don’t mean less importance, because the buyers can spend more time in one visit at VS Next for instance, than in many of VS Billboard, where you make clicks and go to the booths.

At VS Worldwide, more screenings are expected at the VS market, because the platform continues the innovation of LAVS about including new visors with videos and carrousels of recommended products at Platinum, Gold and Bronze pavilions.

But there will be also more visits to the sections, especially with the new starship program of VS Next and that all the sections have new attractions. The industry members who are participating of VS events for the first time, must devote some time for sure to visit the sections.

Nicolás Smirnoff