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Prensario: New Market, New System

Since this year, Prensasrio International stops developing its traditional print publications, generating for the events, a new hybrid system based on three products: PrensarioZone, a themed website as the main development, with microsites instead of ad pages: articles, videos, links, files to download, etc. A comprised print publication, of 16-20 pages, small ads and QR codes, connecting with Zone. And a daily newsletter multilink, which connects Zone at every step. The three generates traffic and send it each other.

Why this change? People is already used to reading digital, now prefer to use browsers, click links, etc. Magazines are heavy, long, slow, every step against the trends. Digital generates traffic that can be processed, sized, much better than physical. We continue with print, but updated, compacted to empower access and speed of reading.

The readers receive strong benefits because Zone can be read at once from any part of the world, attending or not the event in focus. Zone can be updated at every time, and the traditional sections of the publication are accompanied now by new digital-native ones, as Breaking News, buyer feedback, etc. The comprised print publication is now easier to carry and faster to read, offering to go deeper through Zone. All tips are in favor.

Advertisers receive strong benefits too, because they handle more products than before, with Zone, magazine and daily newsletter at the events, plus the central website ( and the weekly newsletter which are permanent during the year. There are more options to include ads and information to deploy, with the microsites providing video, links, etc. But above all, performance is much surer than before. It is better to have a small ad in a 16-page publication, than a full-page ad in the second part of a 200 pages magazine.

With the pandemic, the market has changed. We are obliged to innovate. We’ve done it many times in the past, as when we started to write in English to cover the world apart from Latin America, or when we put the editorial focus on buyers instead of sellers, to empower advertisement performance. Now it is the same. Changes are hard, it is difficult to make compacted what was big before, but everything is in favor. Many thanks to readers and advertisers, for moving with us in this process. It will be better for everyone.

Nicolás Smirnoff