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Uruguay tripled its audiovisual services exports in 2021

With USD 84 millions of audiovisual services exported last year, the Latin American country tripled the figure compared to 2020, when it had closed the year with USD 27 million, announced the Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining Omar Paganini.

Omar Paganini in Los Angeles, visiting Amazon Studios (Credit: Omar Paganini Twitter account)

‘It is the objective of this Government to continue betting on the development of the sector’, underlined the Minister of Industry from Los Angeles where, together with an important delegation, has visited companies such as Amazon Studios and Netflix. Exports of audiovisual services from Uruguay were destined for projects for those platforms, along with HBO Max, Star+ and Disney+.

Last year, the Government increased the incentive to audiovisual companies to USD 12 million, granted through the Programa Uruguay Audiovisual (PUA) through the reimbursement of expenses. To this was added, shortly after, the creation of Uruguay Audiovisual, a new website to promote the sector internationally.

Just as the sector’s exports tripled, the number of filming weeks multiplied by six compared to 2019. While that year 167 days were reached, in 2020 the figure rose to 280, while for 2021 the figure quadrupled compared to the year previous, with more than 1,000 days.