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FAM Contenidos: Projects for platforms

With various projects in different stages of production, FAM (Argentina) attends MIPCOM 2022 to look for new partners and to present its recent titles.

Fernando Blanco, partner at production company FAM Contentidos, talks with Prensario, commenting about the project their are working on it, and their next steps.

‘We currently have productions in different stages and diverse business formats. Some projects are original for the platform, others as own productions with the sale of rights to the platform, developments that we will see which is the best alternative for their production and others in international co-production with application to public funds and pre-sales to different markets. These models apply both to feature films and series, most of them being our own developments and in some cases projects developed by third parties to which we join as co-producers’, assures Blanco.

About the content needs that Blanco has find out in the industry, says that its focus is on its gaze and vision on the content market and on the proposals that they believe and want to make, and the opportunities that the market can absorb or be interested in. ‘We are making the definition of the progress or adjustment of our projects based on the feasibility that the market allows, considering the different windows, territories, and formats. For this reason, we have a heterogeneous or eclectic development and production in terms of content and formats’, explains.

As for the recent production that FAM has been involved, highlights PIPA (thriller feature film), part of the trilogy of original films with Netflix; Be Yourself – STM (Childhood – Youth Series) which the first season of 15 episodes is currently filming, and can be seen on Disney+ next year.

‘We are in development in some cases and in others at the beginning of pre-production with two feature films for different platforms (which will be communicated shortly).’, stresses Blanco.

At the same time he says that actually, they are consolidating a strategic alliance to develop different properties with Grupo Media Hub and, on the other hand, also working together with Yellow Kingdom. As well as private alliances in which they believe and trust will expand its production possibilities in the short term.As for the plans for the comings months comments: ‘The plans for the last months of this year are the completion of the shooting of the Se Tu Misma series and the pre-production of one of the feature films mentioned, the consolidation of the development of the feature films and series that we plan to make in 2023)’, adds.