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Unifrance showcases French content power at MIPTV 2024

MIPTV once again witnessed a robust presence from French production and distribution companies under the Unifrance umbrella. With a staggering array of participants, Unifrance showcases the diversity and quality of French content to international buyers and industry insiders.

The event, held annually in Cannes, France, serves as a pivotal platform for networking, deal-making, and highlighting upcoming projects. This year’s edition see a notable turnout, with a total of 39 companies representing France’s vibrant audiovisual landscape.

Among the prominent attendees were stalwarts like Gaumont, known for its rich history in film and television production, and Pathé Films, a powerhouse in European cinema. These industry giants were joined by a host of other established players such as Mediawan Kids & Family, renowned for its engaging children’s programming, and Cyber Group Studios, a leader in animated content production.

However, it wasn’t just the established names that commanded attention. Emerging companies like Dandelooo, gaining recognition for its innovative approach to animation, and Folivari International, specializing in unique and compelling storytelling, added a fresh dynamic to the event.

Furthermore, the presence of distribution companies such as APC Kids, PGS Entertainment, and Terranoa highlights France’s role as a key player in the global content market. These companies play a crucial role in connecting French creators with international audiences, facilitating the export of cultural products beyond France’s borders.