Tokyo Broadcasting System Television, Inc. (TBS) has entered into its latest international venture with Zee Entertainment, one of the largest media conglomerates in India, as a part of its efforts to explore new avenues of global expansion. Both companies announced a plan to jointly produce diverse contents utilizing their strength in dramas, documentaries, variety shows and movies not only for Japan and India but also for the global market. The first project to kick off is called The Spiceman Trails: Asia.
Furthermore, both parties will be exploring new business opportunities utilizing their extensive entertainment resources. This first project, The Spiceman Trails: Asia, is a unique culinary travelogue that delves into the spice roots and the spice routes of some of the most exotic countries of Asia. Its picturesque imagery, vivid landscapes and brilliant hues takes the audience across the continent in search of its wide array of spices, its deep-rooted history, its multifarious cuisine, and its rich culture and traditions in the most entertaining way.
Spanning across the Asian continent starting from Japan to countries like South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and finally India, the hosts will explore the spice hinterlands and its origins, also visiting spice farms and marts, interacting with locals, sampling local cuisine, meeting celebrities and Master Chefs, and discover the secrets of the land thru the story of its spices.
Additionally, as per the agreement, TBS and Zee will be combining their strengths and vast experiences to produce new formats across genres to cater not only to their respective domestic markets but also appeal to the global audiences.
Takahiro Kawata, GM of International Business Center at TBS said: ‘We are very excited to have a co-development and co-production of The Spiceman Trails Asia and other possible collaborations with Zee. We look forward to working with the vibrant and creative people of India. With collective effort, we hope to create contents that fascinate people all over the world. We would like to take this opportunity to further develop our good relationship with Zee’.
Sunita Uchil, Chief Business Officer, Zee Plus added: ‘The Spiceman Trails Asia, is an innovative & exciting format with a universal appeal. We are thrilled to partner with an accomplished broadcaster as TBS on this project. We also look forward to curating and collaborating on other concepts across other entertainment genres’.