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Prensario - Content Budapest 2023 Daily Newsletter - June 29
Content Budapest: a different CEE experience

CONTENT BUDAPEST 2023 today completes its three market days. There are no official numbers so far, but PRENSARIO can mention 450 registered people, including 200 registered buyers. At the market, you see around 200 people all in all, during the day by day. But specific volume it can mean good business. The event follows the ‘Content’ line where the key things are the types of attendees and the activities included, as the pitchings that generate constructive networking and yesterday at the boat party, delivered a cash price to the winner --see the pictures. The two events in two weeks, beyond all the cons, have been a push for the CEE region, which needs investors and partners more than other regions, because it is full of local SMB ventures.

JUne 2023
The boat party, where ‘Rumba-Rum-Bamm’, the winner of the USD 20.000 pitching price was announced. Here, Ukraine producers: Oleksii Khoroshenkyi, Serhii Tuziuk, form Sfera Film, and Yevhenii Siletskyi, from YesVideoUA
JUne 2023
MENA and Asia at the boat party: Nick Grande, CEO, mena. tv Content Hub (UAE); Bo Zhang, CEO & Founder, Bolytics (India); Samantha Wong, Joy Edward, acquisitions, both from Zoland Distribution (China)
Mediapro Raya Group Globo Calinos

There are around 50 exhibitors, 5 main ones with suites: BBC Studios (UK) Daro Film (Monaco) Lionsgate, TRT (Turkey) and ZDF Studios from Germany. The rest have tables, mostly local players: 1+1 Media, Suspilne, Film.UA, Starlight, Kapi (main players from Ukraine) Azerbaijan Animation Association, Czech TV, Digic, Elf, KEDD, Umatik (Hungary) Polska TV, Kinhouse (Poland) Zographic (Bulgaria) Kolectiv (Romania) among others. The Turkish presence is good, mainly with 2nd tier players. From Asia there are CJ E&M (Korea) and Zoland (China), Mena.TV from UAE. Sony is present as another big studio and there are also the Latins: TelevisaUnivision (Mexico/USA) Globo (Brazil) Caracol TV (Colombia) MasRos (USA). The local scent has been very touchable this week.

JUne 2023
Balassa Films from Mexico got a ‘mention’ from the organization due to its ‘Chopin’ doc series. Julio Orvañanos, acquisitions, Victoria Orvañanos, co-productions, both from Balassa, with Aneta Dobies, acquisitions, House Media Company (Poland)
JUne 2023
Producers and distributors at the boat party: Ignacio Barrera, Mas Ros Media (USA); Reka Gaspar, Paprika Studios (Romania); Lydia Kali, Oble Studios (Hungary); Marta Csizmadia, M6 Formats (France)
Toonz ATV Conecta Fitcion Unifrance

Trendy concepts during the conferences? Tatjana Pavlovic, head of production, United Media (UK): ‘The real danger for pay TV is if the consumers change the passive position while seeing content. If you become more interactive, streamers gain space. A lot of people with continue on the former, but we have to keep ourselves watching’. Jana Semjonova, program director, LTV (Latvia): ‘The main mission continues the same: to generate advertising, and as an advertiser, in such a small country as Latvia, the focus is on the world, with the pandemic and the war today.'

JUne 2023
Greta Akcijonaite, Ilze Lagzdina Amând, Marta Selecka, Domante Urmonaite, Martynas Mendelis, from Ausma Media (Portugal); Aurimas Pukevicius, Magic Film
JUne 2023
Gonca Stojanovska, Gley.TV-Svod Master Doo (Macedonia); Tatjana Saudet, Saudet Media (France); Elisabetta Muratori, Rai Com (Italy); Elisabeth Hagstedt, Histoire TV (TF1 group), France
OMG Centauro Televisa RTVE

Jamie Cooke, GM of CEE/MENAT at WBD: 'Among genres, now we highlight LGBT content, followed by sports, crime and documentaries'. Isabella Wiley, VP A+E EMEA: 'In Poland, Romania and Hungary, the strongest genres are true crime and historical content. A key for us? ‘Hiding the broccoli’, which means to provide something nutritious, but people must enjoy it. David Ciaramella, K7 Media/FRAPA, said the 10 steps to protect formats and monetizing it: write it, illustrate it, sizzle it, title it and domain it, register, keep a record and log everything, shop it securely, refresh it, social it, and continue to manage it.

JUne 2023
Marike Muselaers, Lumiere (France); Anna Roger, Beta (Germany); Marieke De Meerleer, Lumière; Samuel Bruyneel, Belgium
The Kitchen TVFilm we Love Iberseires

It was very interesting the keynote of Izzet Pinto, CEO at Global Agency, a top Turkish distributor. He started selling shoes, then his friends told him to enter format business, he learned by google and his first trailer lasted 13 minutes. ‘The most important thing is to believe in your project, to concrete aims and to convince others. Some tips happen fast and others, after a while, but only if you believe and push’.

JUne 2023
Irin Intrasena, Molly Warnke, David Ciaramella, Levan Katsadze, all from K7 Media (UK)

A newest trend? We see both in Budapest and at CONECTA FICTION in Toledo, Spain, a particular focus on Poland. Just a coincidence? Many buyers say that the new wave after Turkish and Israel ones, is Poland, with good production levels and fresh ideas. The country has a lot of growth potential for sure, more now that can capture investments that before were for Russia. Let’s see after the summer.

Francisco Ferreyra, from Budapest

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