Into the Mortal World weaves an enchanting tale of Jinfeng, a descendant of the legendary Weaver Girl, who descends from the divine world tasked with subduing the Mansion Spirits to redeem his mother’s actions. His path intertwines with Fanning, a spirited mortal girl determined to ascend to the divine realm to reunite with her mother. Together, they form an unlikely alliance, navigating celestial battles, forging heartwarming bonds. As they unravel the mysteries of their destinies, their unwavering pursuit of family shows the profound importance of love and connection that transcends even the boundaries between worlds.
Building upon the beloved story of the Cowherd and Weaver Girl, one of China’s Four Great Folk Tales, which is deeply embedded in the hearts of generations. The film ventures into a creative space largely untouched in previous narratives, offering a fresh perspective on this cherished Chinese folktale.
The film’s story finds its roots in a 2020 Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts graduation project that garnered recognition and support. Winsing Animation‘s Young Animation Artist Support Program provided invaluable assistance, and Iron Fan Studio offered technical guidance. The short film achieved remarkable success on Bilibili, a leading Chinese video-sharing platform, amassing millions views and sparking enthusiastic engagement. This remarkable reception solidified its potential, paving the way for its expansion into a full-length animated feature.
Directed by the visionary Zhong Ding, Into the Mortal World is a culmination of the collective efforts of over 50 top-tier production teams and more than 2,000 dedicated animation artists, meticulously crafted over five years.
Into the Mortal World brings the mythology of the 28 Mansion Spirits, a cornerstone of traditional Chinese culture, to the big screen for the first time. The film is also a visual feast that showcases the exquisite beauty of Eastern aesthetics. The divine world is depicted as an ethereal realm of flowing fabrics and intricate weaving patterns. The mortal world, inspired by China’s Song Dynasty, draws upon historical references like Song Dynasty Daily Life and A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains to capture the bustling vibrancy of human existence.
Amidst the Annecy International Animation Festival, Winsing Animation‘s VP Yan Bing took the stage at the Guangzhou-Europe Promotion Conference to unveil Into the Mortal World. The presentation showcased the film’s latest captivating trailer, announced its premiere date, and generated a wave of enthusiasm and anticipation among the audience, further solidifying the film’s promising trajectory.
Into the Mortal World is poised to captivate audiences worldwide with its captivating narrative, breathtaking visuals, and profound cultural significance. It is actively seeking collaborations with international theaters and media distributors.