Produced by Medyapimand distributed by Calinos Entertainment, FOX’s Our Storywas sold to Mediasetin Spain. Calinos has previously sold romantic comedies to Mediaset such as FOX’s Cherry Season, produced by Surec Film,No:309, produced by GOLD Film and In Spite of Love, produced by Sinegraf.
Our Storytells the story of a young woman, struggling to survive in one of the poorest neighborhoods in Istanbul, taking care of 5 younger siblings by herself and dealing with her alcoholic father at the same time. The broadcast is planned to be on Mediaset soon.
FıratGülgen, CEO of Calinos Entertainment, commented: ‘We are very happy to extend our partnership with Mediaset in Spain with our highly rated Turkish drama seriesOur Story. The series has been creating success stories all around the world and we strongly believe in that Spanish viewers will be also hooked up with their captivating storyline’.