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Cartoons on the Bay 2023: A Hub for emerging talents and industry veterans

Roberto Genovesi, Head of Special Projects for Rai Com (Italy); and the Creative Director of Cartoons on the Bay since 2009.

Since its inception in 1996, “Cartoons on the Bay” has been Italy’s premier event dedicated to the animation and children’s entertainment industry. Under the artistic direction of Roberto Genovesi since 2009, the festival has evolved significantly, reflecting the rapid changes in the multimedia landscape. The market held in Pescara, this year arrived to its 28th edition, celebrated from May 29th to June 2nd, and was once again, an important convergence of creativity, technology, and storytelling.

In conversation with Genovesi, the executive noted that the festival now placed ‘significant emphasis on AI and the metaverse, highlighting the role of immersive platforms and transmedia storytelling’. ‘Now, AI and the metaverse are at the center of the conversation, as immersive platforms and storytelling gain popularity’, explains. This year’s submissions underscored this trend, showcasing projects that entertain, educate, and inspire young audiences with contemporary issues approached imaginatively and sensitively.

The festival’s curated selection offered a balanced mix of Italian, European, and international titles, including high-quality shorts and feature-length films. It remains ‘a vital platform for emerging talents while also serving as a meeting point for industry veterans’, remarked the exec. ‘The event’s ability to navigate new platforms and languages has solidified its reputation as a beacon for the animation community. This year continued being a beacon for emerging talent and a hub for industry veterans to converge, collaborate, and celebrate the art of animation’.

Current trends in the animation segment

As for trends into animation production sector, Genovesi thinks that is ‘witnessing transformative changes’, driven by technological advancements. ‘Real-time animation is revolutionizing production methods, allowing for faster creation of episodic content’, assured. ‘The animation world is entering a new, comprehensive stage, driven by rising technologies that are transforming production methods and pipelines’, adds.

Genovesi highlighted the burgeoning opportunities within the metaverse for brand and IP monetization, despite the nascent stage of these pathways. ‘In Italy, while the industry often follows the proven formulas of successful international brands, Cartoons on the Bay champions the development of original local ideas with the potential to transcend borders and outlast transient trends. We promote the development of new original local ideas able to cross borders and survive temporary trends’, emphasized.

Networking and learning opportunities

Cartoons on the Bay is renowned for its rich industry program, offering professionals unparalleled opportunities for networking and discovery. This year, the festival featured exclusive sessions with animation luminaries such as Disney veteran John Musker, acclaimed documentarian Leslie Iwerks, and Spanish cartoonist Juanjo Guarnido. Italian talents like Silvia Ziche and Sara Pichelli were presented, providing insights into their creative processes.

One of the highlights included a retrospective and masterclass by John Musker, who also premiered his latest work, I’m Hip, shortlisted for the 96th Academy Awards. The festival honored Musker with the Pulcinella Lifetime Achievement Award, celebrating his over forty years of contributions to the animation industry, including classics like The Little Mermaid and Moana.

In addition to Musker‘s recognition, the festival presented the Sergio Bonelli Award to Sara Pichelli, a distinguished Italian comic book artist known for her work with Marvel, including the co-creation of Miles Morales. This award, named after the legendary comic publisher, acknowledges Pichelli‘s significant impact on the comic book industry.

Leslie Iwerks will received the Pulcinella Special Award for her outstanding contributions to documentary filmmaking. Iwerks, who has continued her family’s illustrious tradition in animation and cinema, is celebrated for works such as Recycled Life and The Pixar Story. Her company, Iwerks & Co., has become a pivotal entity in the multimedia production landscape.

The theme focus for Cartoons on the Bay 2024 was sport, chosen for its dynamic storytelling potential and its capacity to inspire and motivate. The festival explored various facets of sports culture globally, offering unique narratives that celebrate both athleticism and artistic expression.

Moreover, Spain, the guest country for this edition, featured prominently in the industry program. This focus aims to deepen connections between the Italian and Spanish animation industries, fostering co-production agreements and collaborative projects.