Global pay TV revenues for 138 countries peaked in 2016 at USD 201 billion. Revenues will fall to USD 143 billion in 2026 from USD 173 billion in 2020 – despite the number of pay TV subscribers rising by 15 million.
US pay TV revenues peaked at $104 billion in 2015. Its total will drop from USD 80 billion in 2020 to USD 57 billion in 2026. The US will account for 40% of global revenues by 2026, down from 52% in 2015.
Simon Murray, Principal Analyst at Digital TV Research, said: ‘Revenues will decline in 77 of the 138 countries covered between 2020 and 2026. The US will provide the most dramatic fall – by $23 billion’.
Global satellite TV revenues will drop by USD 16 billion, with digital cable down by $12 billion. Analog cable will lose a further USD 2 billion. IPTV won’t lose too much.