Orion Ross, VP, Animation, at The Walt Disney Company EMEA, underlines that the company is looking for strengthening the co-productions projects, while Disney + continues to add new markets within EMEA region.
The executive highlights the impact of Disney+ in different EMEA markets and how the Original production is gaining most of the subscribers’ attention: ‘We do not have an original content development unit in Europe, but we are in talks to strengthen this in the region. While we are working with independent producers to expand local IP’, he says.

‘The big story last year was the phenomenal growth of our digital platform. That has been the #1 priority for the company worldwide but it’s important to remember our linear kids’ business is still significant. The channels are the front door for a lot of our kids¡ content. We are looking to co-produce and commission shows that can work on Disney+ and our channels’, appoints Ross.
Regarding the content search within the region, Ross concludes: ‘We like to look at new things before anyone, but you don’t need a pilot or a full script. It’s more about talent and ideas that have a clear vision to them. We strive for optimistic shows that work for the whole family’.