It is very interesting to follow the evolution of the sections usage at LA Virtual Screenings 2021. In a mainly-screenings-market, it is supposed that the place where the content booths are situated will take all the attention, but at last VS Autumn –September 2020– VS Next with its panels and testimonials was a big success and took 26% if the total page views, leaving the main market in 41% and the other sections occupying the pending +30% share.
The beginning of LAVS is showing a different picture, as it can be seen in the graphic. There are a strong flow of buyers watching product, so the market takes more than 50% of the views. And the sections that generate screening push are working particularly well, as VS Billboard and VS Browser and Filters. So, the focus is more on the VS Market than ever.
We imagine that with the days, when many of the content had been watched, the participants will visit more the sections and the global pie will be more fragmented. Let see. VS Figures, with four rankings of Top contents per type of product, genres, origins, plus live stats, and VS News, with the daily newsletter uploaded directly in the market and a direct link to PrensarioZone, should be better discovered. PrensarioZone is the evolution 2.0 of Prensario publications, with its traditional special reports and buyer interviews, but in a digital format.