Library Kingdom Cooperation team at MIPJr.: Jack Kaston, acquisition manager, Fusun Rynart, sales executive, Nesim Hason, CEO, Julia Warren, VP of Business Development, and Jose Monroy

Media executive and entrepreneur Nesim Hason arrived to Cannes with his new proposal for the global market: Library Kingdom Cooperation (USA), a company that presents leading independent companies catalogues all around the world for digital platform or TV channel, with an easier commercial model and strategy, creating tailor-made libraries and packaging.
‘Nowadays we have close to 17,000 titles, with 7,000 movies and +10,000 hours of TV series, cartoons, and documentaries’, explained the CEO & Founder and highlighted that they already work with close to 220 platforms worldwide. ‘We also help in the digital delivery, which is a very usual problem and offer an advice and insurance service which helps especially when there’s an overlap of rights with a show’, concluded.