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Madd Entertainment reached new sales in multiple global markets

Turkish distributor Madd Entertainment has announced new international sales for four of its latest drama series: The Good & The Bad, Leyla, Far Away, and Portrait of a Scandalous Family. Recently launched in Turkey, these titles have now secured deals across Western Europe, the Middle East, the CIS, and Latin America.

Özlem Özsümbül, Head of Sales

The Good & The Bad (Deha), produced by Ay Yapım and airing on Show TV, follows a brilliant mathematician who escapes his troubled past, only to be drawn back by his estranged father, a notorious conman. The series stars Aras Bulut İynemli, Uğur Polat, Taner Ölmez, Melis Sezen, Ahsen Eroğlu, Onur Saylak, and Seda Akman. It has been acquired for Russia and the CIS.

Another highly anticipated title is Leyla, also from Ay Yapım, an adaptation of the Brazilian hit Avenida Brasil. This revenge-driven drama has already secured distribution in Croatia, Hungary, Israel, Kazakhstan, MENA, Mexico, Montenegro, Panama, Romania, Russia, the CIS, and Spain. The cast features Gonca Vuslateri, Cemre Baysel, Alperen Duymaz, Halil İbrahim Ceyhan, Cengiz Bozkurt, and Zeyno Eracar.

The Good & The Bad, drama

Far Away, currently one of Turkey’s highest-rated series, tells the story of a woman from Canada who becomes trapped in a remote village in eastern Turkey. Inspired by Al Hayba, the series is written by Gülizar Irmak and stars Sinem Ünsal, Ozan Akbaba, Müfit Kayacan, Gonca Cilasun, Alper Çankaya, and Mine Kılıç. It has been sold to Israel, MENA, Romania, Russia, the CIS, and Spain.

Finally, Portrait of a Scandalous Family, produced by Medyapım, is a historical drama set in the final days of the Ottoman Empire. With only three episodes aired, it has already been picked up by buyers in Israel and MENA. The series stars Vahide Gördüm, Meryem Uzerli, Fırat Tanış, and Devrim Yakut and is written by Hande Altaylı.

Latest Shows

Doors Of Destiny

Doors of Destiny is the fiery story of two remarkable people brought together by passion and a dark secret.
Sinan is the charismatic and mysterious antisocial genius behind a top software company. Nevra is an attractive, high-flying executive atop her father’s sprawling business empire. Each is a workaholic driven by personal demons few can understand.
When their paths cross, Sinan and Nevra find themselves embroiled in a passionate love affair no one would have expected. But what is the dark secret that brought them together in the journey towards their roots? Can their love survive it?

El Turco

The Battle of Vienna marked the end of the Ottoman Empire’s westward expansion – and, for one janissary, a whole new life. Before the battle was lost, Balaban Aga was condemned to death in a brutal act of betrayal. He manages to escape but is gravely injured. When Balaban comes to, it’s in the remote village of Moena, high in the Italian Alps. The woman who nurses him back to health is but the first of many villagers to show Balaban kindness, and before long he settles into his new home.

Far Away

Alya viaja desde Canadá con su hijo Deniz para enterrar a su esposo en el remoto pueblo fronterizo de Albora, en Turquía. Allí, conoce a la familia de su difunto marido por primera vez, pero pronto descubre que escapar será difícil. Rodeados de enemigos y rivalidades familiares, los Albora enfrentan amenazas externas e internas. Cihan, el cuñado de Alya, se dedica a proteger a su familia, mientras su madre Sadakat y otras fuerzas intentan retener a Deniz. A medida que Alya comprende la gravedad de la situación, su deseo de huir se intensifica. Sin embargo, inesperados secretos y alianzas cambiarán sus planes y la relación entre los personajes.


La vida de Leyla cambia drásticamente cuando su padre se casa con Nur, la mujer que cuidó de su madre fallecida. Lo que parecía una nueva oportunidad se convierte en una pesadilla cuando Nur revela su verdadera personalidad. Tras la trágica muerte de su padre, Leyla, ahora sola y desamparada, jura venganza. Años después, regresa bajo una nueva identidad para infiltrarse en la vida de Nur, ahora casada con un exfutbolista. Los sentimientos de Leyla se complican cuando reaparece Civan, su amor de la infancia, ahora hijo adoptivo de Nur. Secretos familiares salen a la luz, obligando a todos a enfrentar las consecuencias de su pasado.

Portrait of a Scandalous Family

Basada en hechos reales, esta serie narra la turbulenta historia de la familia Şakir Paşa, una dinastía otomana marcada por el escándalo y el arte. En 1911, el regreso de Cevat con su esposa italiana desató tensiones en la familia, culminando en traiciones y conflictos internos. A pesar del caos, la familia produjo artistas icónicos del siglo XX. Entre ellos, Cevat, conocido como «El Pescador de Halicarnaso», y sus hermanas, destacadas en la escena artística de Estambul. La serie captura la dualidad entre el legado artístico y las tragedias personales de esta fascinante familia.


An extraordinary love that lives against all odds in an Aegean coastal town… A 38-year-old woman and an 18-year-old man. Uzer, who is in love with Reyan, 20 years older than him, appears as a gifted child whose mother is a cancer patient. Reyan, on the other hand, is married and runs a restaurant called ‘Ru’ with her husband. The series tells the story of Reyan and Uzer, who fall in love with each other regardless of the age difference, as they continue to pursue their love despite the environmental pressure.

MADD Entertainment

Madd Entertainment se formó en 2018 por Medyapım y Ay Yapım, los dos principales productores de televisión de Turquía, para distribuir el drama turco en el mercado internacional. Juntas, las dos empresas representan más de 400 horas de programación original cada año, y su contenido da forma al horario de máxima audiencia de Turquía. Esto le da a Madd Entertainment una de las carteras más poderosas del negocio, que incluye muchos géneros diferentes y el mejor talento de Turquía. Todas las series nuevas a partir de septiembre de 2018 de Medyapım y Ay Yapım estarán representadas por Madd Entertainment. Para obtener más información sobre Madd Entertainment y su lista de los mejores contenidos televisivos turcos, visite


Ateş İnce

Managing Director

Özlem Özsümbül

Head of Sales

Alaa Elabasy

Senior Sales Manager

Salmi Gambarova

Senior Sales Manager