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Natpe Budapest 2024: behind the global success of “The 1% Club”

Natpe Budapest continued yesterday with its line-up of panels, on «Formatting Success: Taking The Floor and 1% Club Across Europe», M.Chiara Duranti from Formatbiz, offered an insightful discussion that included André Renaud, SVP Global Formats at BBC Studios, Sebastian van Barneveld, Director of Global Distribution at Talpa Studios, and Sasha Tkachenko, General Producer at Novy TV. The conversation focused on the remarkable success of the quiz formats The 1% Club and The Floor.

Budapest event photographer at NATPE BP 2024

The 1% Club has been adapted in 12 countries, while The Floor has reached 15 countries. Both formats feature a hundred participants in a dynamic arena setting, offering flexibility in different versions with cross-media applications.

With the original versión made it for ITV1, The 1% Club starts participants with £1,000 each, risking their stake with each question. Incorrect answers lead to elimination, contributing the lost amounts to a collective pot for the remaining contestants to compete for. This simple yet engaging mechanic has proven appealing, drawing participants and viewers alike with its strategic and inclusive gameplay. The show’s host in the UK, Lee Mack, adds humor to enrich the viewing experience.

Renaud highlighted the show’s international appeal, noting recent expansions into Hungary and Ukraine. ‘With adaptations now spanning 12 territories, 1% Club demonstrates a remarkable adaptability and relevance across different cultures and languages’, said.

The panel also discussed the strategic integration of digital platforms to enhance viewer interaction. Following a successful first season in the UK, a play-along app was developed, leading to impressive engagement figures, including 2.4 million downloads. This digital extension allows viewers to participate from home, increasing both engagement and commercial opportunities.

Looking forward, Renaud discussed plans to further diversify the show’s reach, including adaptations in major markets like the USA and Mexico. Each version is crafted to resonate with local audiences, often involving popular hosts relevant to the demographic. For example, the Mexican version features a comedian known for his wrestler persona.

Renaud emphasized the 1% Club‘s potential as a prime-time staple that bridges generational gaps, a rare quality that has contributed to its high ratings and enthusiastic reception. The discussion at the panel not only shed light on the operational mechanics of these innovative formats but also forecasted a bright future for their continued success across the globe.