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NFTs irrupts in the TV industry

With focus on TV content, another panel that took center stage on the second day of MIPTV 2022 revolved around NFTs and how they could break into the industry. The panel featured Scott Greenberg, CEO at Blockchain Creative Labs, and Danielle Lauren, multi-platform storyteller.

Scott Greenberg, CEO at Blockchain creative labs, and Danielle Lauren, multi-platform storyteller

Under the question, can NFTs really revolutionize the television industry? The executives began with a brief definition of NFTs. Lauren coined it as ‘encrypted unique digital assets that can be traded or exchanged on the blockchain’, explaining that this is part of the metaverse and is an asset that ‘is becoming increasingly important in different areas and makes us explore what ownership means in the web’.

Meanwhile, Greenberg highlighted how the television industry can relate to NFTs: ‘NFTs explore new encrypted ways to market goods, so I think the impact will be on distribution models, for example: If someone who has bought content from a creator, will continue to pay the creator if they sell it, which is not the case when, for example, a DVD is sold after the initial purchase’.

To this, the Blockchain Creative Labs executive also inquired into the way in which NFTs will form part of the creative industry landscape, referring to The Masked Singer, for which they launched a series of collectible assets in the form of NFTs, which capitalized on 400,000 viewers: ‘This is the new relationship with the audience that NFTs will generate, which is why we are working with producers to offer this type of product and connect them with a fan base around the world’.