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Prensario - LA Virtual Screenings 2022 Daily Service - June 8
LA Virtual Screenings: when digital provides value

LA Virtual Screenings has had a good start at its Day 1: almost 800 participants, 400 buyers, 1200 video views, +70 countries (image 1). Though the physical events are back, there are space for virtual shows when they provide extra value. This is the case of Virtual Screenings saga, already in its 5th edition. It allows worldwide buyers to make content non-stop ‘binge watching’ from multiple suppliers, in a very friendly way.

LA Virtual Screenings 2022
Telefims GRB Globo Lionsgate

Comparing to last September VS edition, LAVS 22 is a bit behind in volume but ahead in consumption: more spending time, viewed pages and screenings per user (image 2). This means buyers enjoy the VS experience, dedicating at every edition more time to screenings and VS sections, many now through their cell phones (the main growth). This LAVS, also, is more worldwide than others, with Asia and even Africa having good share of participants (image 3).

LA Virtual Screenings 2022 - Prensario Zone
Calinos RTVE Onza TV Azteca Internacional

Third tip: there are many screenings coming from VS Sections, outside the booths (image 1 again) confirming platform usage: VS Billboard, with recommended products, VS Figures, with daily rankings of top products, VS News, with daily newsletters, and VS Browser, for automated searches. The last engine is VS Next, which is providing again a top program of conferences and testimonials -Image 4, and please see below the complementary articles.

LA Virtual Screenings 2022 - Prensario Zone
Intermedya Dorimedia Madd SIC

Product tips? Watching the Top 15 rankings (image 5) we see that buyers, though long fictions are predominant, like also other options, as unscripted formats, lids & teens and docs & factual. As it is usual in the spring VS shows, the American providers lead the rankings, but now they have strong competence from Turkish and European suppliers.

Another typical tip of VS events is present again: though buyers first visit big brands, then they look for new options. If we compare the two Top 15 rankings with previous VS events, we see more variety than usual in providers & products: buyers this time are choosing sole contents, more than booths, to spend their screenings time.

LA Virtual Screenings 2022 - Prensario Zone
Global Agency RCN United Media Sato

Let’s see what happens in the whole event, but one thing is for sure: it is not true that virtual events don’t work for content market. It is all about making focus on what is advantageous in digital (screenings, global access, automated services, intelligent tools) and leave for the real world what is not: spontaneous networking, meeting scheduling, etc. After the pandemic, we have to join the best of the two worlds, physical and online.

Nicolás Smirnoff
LA Virtual Screenings 2022 - Prensario Zone
Insight TV All3Media CDC RTP
Alfred Haber Trinity Electric Entertaiment Snap
VS Next Day 1: online subscriptions will reach 2 billion in 2027
LA Virtual Screenings 2022 - Prensario Zone
K7 Media: UK, the leading format territory
LA Screenings 2022
Testimonials at LAVS 2022: the return to markets and business twists
LA Screenings 2022
United Media: drama from SEE to the world
LA Screenings 2022
Señal Colombia: generalist, multiplatform and disruptive
LA Virtual Screenings 2022
Start J2911 Media Canal 13 Chile Oncelopps
Maluc Entertainment Universal Cinergia PrensarioZone Cisneros
HConsult Glowstar LA Virtual Screenings 2022

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