Serviam Content presents to the global market its brand-new development, a fiction project that gives the viewers an unexpected journey of discovery. This drama is based on real circumstances and historical events with a radical documentary tone.
Constantly looking for the best partners in Europe, Asia and the Americas, Serviam Content is a company based in USA and Latin America that has formed a multinational team-work with the goal to develop a multi-dimensional range
The Head of Goliath it’s a serialized drama format of five episodes, where the story spans though the entire season with time to intricately explore both characters and plot. The project its aim to farther be presented as an interactive instrument with the public in multiple linked platforms.
The project aims to a multinacional production with partners in multiple platforms to be able to reach the full potential of this original idea that explores blending a classical series-viewer with his/her needs to be an active participant and fulfill the endless curiosity about what the world has to offer and its hidden stories. All within the universe offered by The Head of Goliath.
José Luis Fajín, company’s Director of Operations and scriptwriter, explained: ‘Our DNA is geared to produce content in all its forms and variables. The Head of Goliath has been the founding stone of Serviam Content, a product standing for its unique narrative and multiple possibilities of interaction with the public, where cities themselves have become main protagonists and the viewer is invited to be an active participant. Our heart is set to be a tool for audiences to explore stories without limits. We now just have to wait for Goliath to take on a life of its own’.
Damián Gonzalez Flores, scrip-doctor, added: ‘In The Head of Goliath the stable and safe canons of storytelling are no longer dominant. We understood that audiences have changed, that trends are different than 10 years ago, that the stories today cut through the mesh of society, and people perceive the world as something that doesn’t just end around the corner. The project generates great impact as it empathizes with people’s sensitivity reminded them of the forces surrounding their everyday lives’.
‘The Head of Goliath taps into the 2021 current mood, where people finally understand themselves to be citizens of the World. The series invites the viewer to brake assumptions, to discover hidden aspects within crucial cities as well as to explore mysterious areas of their own human psique. I’m honored to work with the great mind of Jose Luis’, completed Alejandra Cruz, translator and adapter.