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Smilehood looks to take “Plim Plim” to the next level

Damián Soriano, content director, and Sergio Iribarne, production director, both from Smilehood.

Smilehood, the Argentine production company behind Plim Plim, un héroe del corazón, is participating in the Annecy International Animation Film Festival and its MIFA market. The successful series continues to conquer new territories worldwide, in addition to expanding its presence in Latin America, after reaching an all-time global audience record with more than 1 billion monthly views.

Plim Plim, which offers educational and entertaining content and encourages positive habits in preschool children, has its own Spanish-language cable TV channel, El Canal del Payaso Plim Plim, which is now broadcast in fifteen Latin American countries 24 hours a day, reaching 10 million homes.

Sergio Iribarne, production director at Smilehood, said: ‘We recently launched our own channel, available on Cable TV throughout Latin America, providing 24 hours of content. We have implemented a great strategy on music platforms such as Spotify and various music platforms that is showing very good results in multiple languages, including Spanish, English, Portuguese and now we are adding Italian, Indonesian and Russian. “Plim Plim” is considered a music artist. We also adapt our content to platforms such as TikTok to better fit their unique formats’.

Damián Soriano, content director at Smilehood, added: ‘The channel currently reaches 10 million cable subscribers, and all production is handled by “Plim Plim”. It is a premium service with no advertising. We are now looking at partnering with companies that share similar values to integrate their intellectual property and share screen space with us’.

Plim Plim, un héroe del corazón recently expanded its presence on free-to-air TV networks in 10 Latin American countries, including TV Azteca in Mexico and TV Cultura in Brazil. In 2024, the audiovisual production generated 350 minutes, including 60 original video clips and more than 52 didactic contents for YouTube.

Plim Plim has made great achievements in the last 12 months, ranking among the top and leading important industry rankings. For example, according to Social Blade’s “Made for Kids” ranking, Plim Plim is the No. 1 preschool channel in Spanish and is the No. 7 animated preschool channel in all languages. Based on VideoAmigo data, Plim Plim stands out as the No. 1 most watched animated preschool channel in Spanish. According to Parrot Analytics, as of December 2023, Plim Plim is positioned as the most in-demand animated preschool property in Latin America, experiencing 25% annual growth.

In addition to YouTube channels in Spanish, English, Portuguese and Russian, Plim Plim has launched new YouTube channels in Italian and Indonesian.

On their participation at Annecy International Animation Film Festival and MIFA, Iribarne commented: ‘We came to understand the industry context, discover new ideas and develop connections that can help us take our project to the next level’. Soriano added: ‘We are experiencing great success with “Plim Plim”, a creation of Guillermo Pino. It is a very successful YouTube channel, with over a billion downloads and almost 30 million subscribers across all its channels, something we are very proud of’.

‘The market has evolved significantly since our launch in 2011, and we are constantly revising and innovating our storytelling techniques. Our main goal here in Annecy is to find artists and service providers around the world who share our company values and who can offer fresh and artistic content to collaborate with us’ closed Iribarne.

Francisco Ferreyra