Telefilms (Argentina), Latin American leading independent distributor, returns to physical markets this MIPCOM, promoting a brand-new catalogue that includes Coda, anAmerican drama film written and directed by Sian Heder, which is an English remake of the 2014 French film La FamilleBélier,shot in Gloucester, Massachusetts.

AlsoAfterWeFellthatfollowsTessa (Josephine Langford) whenmakesthemostimportantdecisionofherlife, everythingchanges. The secretsthat come to light aboutherfamilyandHardin’s (HeroFinnes-Tiffin) endangertheirrelationshipandher future together. Tessa’slifebeginstofall apart andnothingwillbe as before.
Starred by Jessica Chastain, Penélope Cruz, Lupita Nyong’o, Diane Kruger, Fan Bingbing, Sebastian Stan, Edgar Ramirez and Jason Wong, presents 355 where five women band togetherto stop a global organizationfromacquiring a weaponthatcouldthrusttheteeteringworldinto total chaos.

AndMoonfall,directed by Roland Emmerich where a mysteriousforceknocksthe Moon fromitsorbitaroundEarth and sendsithurtlingon a collisioncoursewithlife as weknowit. With mere weeksbeforeimpact and theworldonthebrinkofannihilation, NASA executive and former astronaut.