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Testimonials at LAVS: there is a need for diverse drama series

Novazul (Dominican Republic), ABC Commercial (Australia), The Magic Eye (Argentina) and Kanal 7 (Turkey), offered their impressions on the global content market, its main content searches and top news.

Alexander Pérez, Novazul, Kirsty Divehall, ABC, Juan Parodi, The Magic Eye, and Yesim Sezdirmez, Kanal7

Alexander Pérez, acquisitions director of Novazul, said that he is looking for action content, whether series or films. Likewise, they are behind the next great success in the soap opera genre: ‘We are also looking to increase our catalog of blockbusters for the weekends’.

Representing the distribution and acquisition arm of ABC Australia, Kirsty Divehall, Acquisitions Manager at ABC Commercial, expressed that the company is looking for TV programs from independent producers, with a focus on dramas, fiction, factual and series for the children’s segment: ‘We are announcing new seasons for our top series: some of them help children in their growing, others promote values of speech and sociability’.

Juan Parodi, owner of the Telefilms Group’s The Magic Eye (Argentina) spoke about the trends he has noticed in the market: ‘I think one of the trends I am seeing now is to produce short series, with a maximum of six episodes. Also, as our focus is animation, we try to develop products that can live beyond the original story, such as spin-offs of the prequels’.

Lastly, Yesim Sezdirmez, deputy general manager at Kanal 7 (Turkey), said that it is putting a strong emphasis on fictions and dramas with high production values: ‘Our signal has a special interest in daily drama series in prime time. One of our news is the series The Refuge. We are also producing a new weekly series based on a successful Korean drama that we will eventually announce’.