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WeWatch TV: strategic alliances with local impact

Launched in Singapore in April 2021, just after COVID restrictions were lifted, WeWatch TV still offering over 100 live channels, as well as local and foreign language movies. The service have a strong presence in Southeast Asia, where in addition to Singapore, it also operates offices and local content in Cambodia and Indonesia.

Sarah Wang, exec director

The executive director, Sarah Wang, believes that the success of the service is the constant alliances with local content providers, as she assures that the audience responds better to this content than to the large global platforms. ‘We have alliances with sports content providers, live TV, but also interactive content’.

The OTT is well positioned to pursue a regional expansion strategy and provide value-added services to our users. So they also include e-Learning, e-sports and gaming, and smart community content.

One of the recent achievements in content this year was presented last May, where platform, in a strategy in Cambodia that dominated the local newspapers and caught the attention of the fanbase, offered free access to the app during the SEA Games . This not only allowed users to watch the entire competition across multiple TV channels, all hosted on the app, including Bayon TV, BTV, TVK and TVK2, but they also get exclusive access to news and entertainment.

For its launch, the platform partnered with Soladia International’s One Park Residences and Serviced Apartments, which adopted new standards for digital TV and entertainment services for luxury housing in Cambodia.

WeWatch TV‘s decision to offer free access during the SEA Games is in line with the company’s commitment to enriching lifestyles in Southeast Asia. By making quality entertainment accessible to everyone. ‘We are helping to build a more vibrant and connected community of entertainment lovers in the region’, remarked Wang.

One of the differentiating offers of the service is precisely the user experience, which goes beyond entertainment content. It is precisely the one framed in the “Smart Community” vertical, which seeks to offer experiences that help the users of the application. Part of this strategy was the recent one launched in Cambodia last August, in alliance with a health center line in this country, where the service is available in the waiting rooms of these hospitals, while they transmit entertaining content to patients.

‘WeWatch will continue to pride itself on offering technology-leading digital TV and entertainment services and smart community services across the country, and we are always seeking partnerships with market leaders, particularly those offering exceptional living standards in Cambodia’, Wang concluded.