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Prensario - ATF 2023 Daily Newsletter - December 8
ATF 2023, wrap-up: Asia is booming about content, but to be smart is needed

After three very active journeys, ATF 2023 edition ends today with a special day: there are no conferences scheduled, but meetings will continue steadily till after midday. The outcome of the event is on the same way: Asia, and APAC in particular, are full of new content opportunities, but you need persistence and good decisions, good partnerships above all, must be taken.

MipCancun 2023 - Special Edition - Prensario Zone
Broadcasters, platforms and producers at the Singapore cocktail: Hazlin Haiz from Infocomm Media, Singapore; Zahira Razak, Farlina Mohamed, Wan Haiz, all from Mediacorp (Singapore) ; David Teo from Metrowealth (Malaysia) ; Jane Lim from MIG Production (Malaysia) ; Jason Teo from Metrowealth (Malaysia) ; Zeb De Costa from iQiyi (Malaysia) ; and Ezra Farabi from Mediacorp (Singapore)
MipCancun 2023 - Special Edition - Prensario Zone
Mami Toyosaki, content acquisition live action, Netflix (Japan); Shalline Chok, VP of sales and acquisitions, YooHoo Media (Australia); Esther Chen, program purchasing director, Shannon Lin, program project manager, both from Wonder Hypermedia Corp. (Taiwan). Netflix also in Asia, is betting on original fiction content
Caracol RCN Lionsgate Calinos
Mediapro OMG Raya Group All3Media

Yesterday’s agenda was mainly focused on production: during “Hollywood Dealmaking & the Lessons Learned”, Georgina Gonzalez, director of Scripted Global Series at NBCUniversal Intl Studios, stated: ‘We mostly act like a traditional studio and can finance development or help with optioning material. But we can also do deficit financing as something is going into production and recoup afterward through sales’. About financial process into production, Mandy Chang, director of global documentaries at Fremantle (UK), said: 'You have to choose between studio seed funding, non-profit funding, tax credits or the traditional commissioning route. But the important thing is to continue producing and to close deals'.

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Nicole Shun, Priscilla Chan, both from Viu OTT (Hong Kong); Nina Park, Heewon Lim, both from Lian Contents (South Korea). The digital buyers are the main thing in APAC nowadays

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Buyers from Taiwan: Penny Chiou, Oliver Thesela, both from Ulight Entertainment Technology; Ethan Yang, director, You See Media; Sandy Lee from Ulight. Taiwan now is very important in the APAC map

Amuz RTVE Studio100 Audiovisual from Spain

About animation, Dubit and Kidoodle.TV talked about licensing, publishing, even videogames. For teenagers and adult animation, Adam Woodgate from Dubit remarked the importance of the mix of outlets for a brand: ‘This is a generation that has very quickly adopted the technology. Teens claim ownership and control over mobile connected devices, and the same happens to their media content’. Meanwhile, Daniel Riddell from Kidoodle.TV added: ‘Our business model focuses on ad-supported content, addressing the challenges associated with monetizing kids' product. Our offer in lower-quality streams to accommodate such households, with a significant emphasis on connected TV as the primary platform’.

Emergent product trends? The issue of bullying, especially cyberbulling, is resonating all over the world. ATF, particular repercussion had ‘#Pemburu Rahsia’ by Media Prima Malaysia, with smart ways to avoid discrimination. Another tip is women empowerment, newer in Asia vs other regions, especially for family and historical content. Three examples at the event have been "That Cover Girl" by Prime Video Malaysia, "Cigarette Girl" by Netflix Indonesia, and "Last Madame: Sisters of the Night" by Mediacorp Studios Singapore.

ATF 2023 - Special Edition - Prensario Zone
Karen Lee, Leong Wai-Lene, both from the telco Singtel, Singapore; Samuel Koh, from Rock Entertainment Holdings, financing and production, Singapore
ATF 2023 - Special Edition - Prensario Zone
The PT Link Net acquisition team: Himayati Salamah, Maria Bernadita, Terriluana Irmalia, all from Indonesia
Olympusat ORF Centauro Alfred Haber

Trendy testimonials? Artine S. Utomo, CEO, RTV Indonesia: 'I've been coming for 8 years, and what I like most about ATF is that it's an event that managed to live up to Mipcom. I like the fact that more and more Western countries are coming here to buy and sell their products'. Valeria Korotina, Media Distribution Co. (Armenia): 'This is my first ATF and honestly speaking, being a new company, I can find more supply than we have in CEE. In Children arena, we are looking for IPs with girl protagonists for an audience older than 6 years old'.

Pedro Herrera, president, Lescompany (USA): 'We notice that year after year the Asian market is expanding a bit more into the Western world and we are quite pleased about that. Thanks to the streaming platforms we are managing to end piracy issues a little bit, and I think this allowed the Asians to expand their content around the world. It's a good thing and we think things are very good in this ATF 2023 edition'.

ATF 2023 - Special Edition - Prensario Zone
Multi-country: Phua Cheng How from Infocomm Media (Singapore); Emma Kuo from Ins Culture and Creative Industries (Taiwan) ; Hsiao Hsiu Ming from Bomei Productions (Taiwan); Yen Lee from Hoyawood International (Hong Kong)
MipCancun 2023 - Special Edition - Prensario Zone
More buyers from Malaysia: Aizal, Ryan Lee, Effa Rozaeliyana, and Maszleen Binti Ramli, all from Sarawak Media Group
Electric Entertainment ATV Zee Onza
| ATF Daily News
ATF 2023: Lessons and strategies from Hollywood’s dealmakers
ATF 2023 - Special Edition - Prensario Zone
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Dubit’s Insights at ATF: unlocking animation’s teen appeal
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Kidoodle at ATF 2023: strategies for monetizing children’s content
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Mediahub ABS-CBN Multicom Glowstar
Toei GMA InsightTV PrensarioZone

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