MIPTV 2024: how to turn new the old TV, with ‘BVOD’ and ‘Patronage’

This is a strange MIPTV, after its first day and running today the second journey. It is small comparing to 2023, with just the RIVIERA VIEW pavilion of THE PALAIS with booths, while the rest (part of the basement floor and the upper levels) are with mainly common spaces. But it is very well designed, with no free spaces, all the people together and compacted but attractive booths, so the event looks friendly to reach on time easier and healthy to embrace fresh networking. There are many cocktails and announcements… it doesn’t seem the last MIPTV. A good part of the industry will miss it.

The Unifrance cocktail: Sarah Hemar, audiovisual director, Unifrance; Manuel Villanueva, programming director, TVUNAM (México); Paola Chincoli, content acquisition manager, WBD (Italy); Gilles Pelisson, president, Unifrance; Sandro Sgrulloni, programming and content acquisition senior, WBD (Italy)

Yesterday trends? Through the different conferences and panels, there has been good focus on what broadcasters and traditional TV players are doing to refresh business. Everybody stresses that advertising is down on free TV, but global ad spending has grown… digital ventures are taking a big slice of the pie. In fact, apart from the thousands of VOD/FAST options, now live streaming TV is gaining the scene as a new big thing, with the strongest initiatives receiving big brands to advertise, instead of looking for them. Ad players love the detailed segmentation, full feedback reports and young audiences focus.

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